Tuesday, January 04, 2005


Okay, here goes. It's been a while since I've written in this type of format but we'll see what comes out.

Let's see. What's been going on in my life. I just purchased GTA San Andreas. It is quite fun, a little potty-mouthed but that isn't my problem with it. My problem is that after my PS2 has been on for a couple hours, the game freezes.

Now I know what you might be thinking, when do I have time to play for a couple hours. Well, I don't really. Sometimes, I just like to leave it on when L and I watch tv. That way, when I get back to it, I don't have too reload anything. It is usually quite a fine idea. Unfortunately, GTA-SA is a little to much for my poor old PS2 to deal with when it's tired. I have to let it rest before playing. And I save often.

On a side note, they really decided to go all the way with their mature rating. There is no nudity in GTA-SA (as far as I know) but there is an awful lot of swearing and a quite a little bit of violence. I don't recall there being this much nauty language in GTA3 or GTA-VC. Even so, it is a very pretty game and fun to boot.

Well, that's a pretty good length for a first real post. Have fun.


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