Friday, January 28, 2005

Baby blogging

So this post is going to be about my daughter. To keep her anonymous, I'll call her Francis. She's cute as a button... a really cute button with kittens and puppies sitting together wearing hats.

Anyway, Francis is learning to crawl. She's taking lessons at the YMCA. Well no. She's actually just learning to move. Today is the first time that I have seen her propel herself with a destination in mind. It was really cool to see. She only moved like a foot but I dig it.

Of course what is the first thing she goes to? The CD cases. She played with the floppy disks (that I wedge under the fronts of the cases as extra insurance that won't fall over). She can't move them, so there was no danger. But then, (when her mommy left), she started pulling CDs off the botton shelf. I was so proud. That was her first "Make a mess of our stuff " experience. So proud, I thought I would blog about it. As long as she never throws CDs into the toilet, I'll be okay.

An observer might argue that since she only moved a foot, we put her down that close to the CD Cases. Well that's right. I didn't think she could move that far. Plus we were hovering right over her. Even when she was pulling the CDs down, I was right there. She only grabbed three. So there.


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