Wednesday, July 20, 2005

So Far Behind

[Oops, Arial wanted to use the computer when I was in the middle of this post and I forgot to come back to it, well here it is.]

Cleveland is apparently part of the third world. I'm pretty sure that first world cities get continuous power. Over starting last Friday, we have been having periodic power outages that last from a half an hour to many hours. So basically that puts me quit a bit behind in my baby blogging (or should I say toddler blogging).

Frances had her first birthday. It was a lot of fun. We didn't invite anyone over or anything but we had fun anyway.

We let Frances open her presents... well, we more coerced her into ripping off some of the paper. She was pretty good at that. She even opened up one of her own cards, pulled it out of the envelope and everything.

She started getting tired and irritated that we wanted her to keep opening presents. She wanted to play with some of the presents that were already opened, which actually seems quite logical. A toy in the hand is worth two in the box... or something.

After the presents, we gave her cake (of course we sang to her but she didn't care). She got a whole piece to herself and she loved it. She would mush it into her hand, shove it into her mouth, bite off the large chunks stuck to her hand and repeat. It was actually a little disturbing how much she was into the cake. Birthdays are special so we let her eat the whole piece but she didn't get any more of her birthday cake.

I'm sure that she had quite a sugar rush but since we had kept her up well past her bed time, she had no problems sleeping.

I think it was a good birthday (for her and us, both).


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