Friday, June 17, 2005


This post is basically to point out this post on QandO about the Kyoto treaty.

The article is about New Zealand overshooting it's greenhouse emissions. Now a good portion wants to pull out of the treaty because instead of getting money, they will have to pay into the system an estimated 1 billion dollars (I don't know if that is NZ dollars or American dollars).

From the article:
When we ratified Kyoto in 2002 one of the reasons Hodgson gave for doing so was that not to ratify would be to set fire to "a very big cheque".
It just shows the absurdity of the thing. Why wouldn't underdeveloped countries sign up when it's basically free money? Plus, they can always back out if they need to.

I too am glad we stayed out of it. I just wish that people on slashdot would stop posting about it.

You might want to read the QandO post too. They have a different thesis than I do.

1 comment:

cialis said...

I, of course, a newcomer to this blog, but the author does not agree