Tuesday, May 24, 2005

I'm back

I've been out of town for a while. I have returned but not before Frances caught a cold and gave it to Arial and I. It is really sad to see Frances feeling sick. I'm sure she doesn't know why she feels bad and that must make it worse. She also doesn't know not to violently shake her head in an attempt to get away from the tissue. This tends to create a trail of snot across her face.

We are getting better at blowing her nose, even if she doesn't actually blow.

Today she got macaroni and cheese. Not mac and cheese from a box but home made using real cheese. Frances loved it. It was a pretty safe bet that she would. It provides two of her favorite foods, pasta and cheese. All the pasta made its way into her mouth. A good portion of the cheese made its way onto her face. But thankfully, none of it made it to the floor, which would have been a mess.

As a side note, I discovered that using nacho Doritos to scoop the macaroni was quite good. Possibly a little over the top cheesy but good none the less.


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