Wednesday, March 02, 2005

New Liberal Blog

Okay, it's not new but it is new to me. Well, that's not entirely true. I was directed to it about a month ago but couldn't find the RSS feed. Now, I've found it.

What is this new miracle blog? Okay, it's not a miracle blog but it is a liberal blog that is well written and civil and not completely about one topic. It is The Washington Monthly (aka Political Animal but I think that name is stupid). It's written by Kevin Drum who seems like a nice guy.

Anyway, I like it a lot, to the point that I look forward to reading it. I don't agree with what he thinks a lot of the time but he is at least interesting. I have given it about a week before adding it here because I didn't want to go through what I did with Talking Points Memo (not related to Bill O'reilly) where I liked it initially then got really bored by it.

On a side note, Right Wing Duck has started posting on IMAO, so I don't have to read his blog specifically anymore.

On another side note, I occationally look at the site meter results to see who is looking at the page and I saw one reference was from Yahoo. Apparently, if you search for "nudity in GTA", a post of mine is the top spot. I thought that was pretty interesting.


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