Tuesday, March 08, 2005


My baby has a new consenent. It is "D". Oh, it's very exciting because it means that she says, "dada". This as we all know, means that I won the time honored tradition of rooting for the baby to make sounds that indicate the parent of your gender. Moms are supposed to root for "mama" and fathers root for "dada".

This would be even more exciting if I weren't trying to get her to call me "Papa".

We went to a baby sign language class tonight. It was free and at the library. There we found out that babies are not born knowing how to do America Sign. It turns out that BOTH the baby and the parents need to learn to sign.

Oddly enough, that reminds me. My girl is shaping up to be a great wrestler. Hopefully by the time she is in high school girls will be common place because she has some moves right now.

When I'm changing her diaper she is a master at escaping. I start her on her back and before you know it she has flipped herself over, avoiding the pin.


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