Thursday, August 16, 2007

Ding Dong

Today, Frances invented her first imaginary friend.

This afternoon I was working in my office and Frances came down. She said she had friend named Ding Dong. I asked the following questions.

Q: Where did you meet Ding Dong?
A: Outside.

Q: Is Ding Dong a boy or a girl?
A: A girl.

Q: What color is her hair?
A: Umm... yellow.

Q: Is she nice?
A: Yes, she always shares her toys. (I later learned that Ding Dong also shares her books.)

We then went upstairs and told Arial about Ding Dong. She and Johann were outside with a bunch of purple flowers in her lap. They had been pretending the flowers were bells, hence the name Ding Dong. I actually think I may have misunderstood Frances at first.

She may have meant to tell me that they were playing with the flowers and saying "ding dong". But I heard something like "I was playing with Ding Dong". Based on my questions, Frances may have picked up on what I meant and ran with it.

Later, I was downstairs and I heard Frances yell "Surprise!" from upstairs. I hollered back "I was surprised." I was then informed that the surprise was for Ding Dong and not me. It turns out that today is Ding Dongs birthday. So, she was getting a birthday surprise.

As an aside, Frances gives interesting names. She has three toy horses. One is named Comet (because that is what the box said). One is named Boy and the other is named Biggie (it's bigger than the others).


1 comment:

J-Funk said...

When I was little I had three imaginary friends: Eenie, Meanie, and Moe. Everyone kept asking me if Meanie was mean but she wasn't! And Moe was 8 ft tall.