Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Frances Is Sick

Frances has had a cold for about a week. We thought she was getting over it so today I took her with me to the gym.

She didn't have a very good afternoon nap (it is questionable whether she slept at all) but we gave her a 25 minute power nap right before supper. I don't think she really understood what a power nap was about because she was quite unhappy when I got her up to eat.

When I picked her up from the child care room at the gym, she was sleeping in a crib covered in stuffed animals. This was strange because "playing with the kids" is one of her favorite activities. I just chalked it up to missing her nap.

She seemed fine until about an hour after she went to bed. She had been sleeping contentedly but then I heard a noise. I went to check on her and I heard her throwing up.

We cleaned her up in the bath, started washing the cloths and tucked her into our bed. She has never puked twice in one night, so we figured that was fine.

It wasn't.

She threw up again in our bed, hitting both of our pillows.

When I was giving her the second bath of the night, she told me that she was going to be sick again. I held a large bath cup to her mouth and asked Arial to get the larger bath bucket. She didn't throw up then.

This time (since we were out of beds), we set her up on the couch. I sat with her while Arial cleaned up. She threw up 3+ more times but this time into the bucket (all the while pleading "I all done", which is enough to break my heart).

Arial went to the store with Johann (since by this time he was awake) and bought some 7-Up. That helped Frances have something to throw up while she was on the couch.

Currently, Johann is asleep in his crib, Arial and Frances are in our room and I am going to try to sleep on the futon in the basement. Hopefully, the worst is over. It is no fun watching your tiny, little girl be miserable.

The weird thing is, she doesn't have a fever. I have no idea why she keeps throwing up.

Well, I thought I should chonical Frances' first real illness. Now, I am going to try to get some sleep.

Good night


1 comment:

J-Funk said...

Poor Frances!! Some of my earliest memories as a kid are of being sick - I'm glad I don't get sick very often any more. It's miserable! Although whenever I got sick I got to stay home from the daycare with a fun babysitter so sometimes that was ok.