Sunday, March 09, 2008

Frances Sings

I've written a few posts in a row about Johann and I don't want Frances to be left out. She is still doing interesting things but since she is older now, her interesting things are more like thing adults do, like putting on her own shoes. So I never feel like writing about it. Sorry Frances of the future.

One thing Frances has started doing which I am fond of is making up songs. Like today, she told me that she knew a song about pirates and proceeded to sing a song about getting a boat and getting in the car (which we were doing at the time). She just makes up the words on the fly. In fact they sound a lot like the stories that she tells sometimes. They don't rhyme but she is getting better a setting the meter.

We've also started learning German. I took German in college and have a general fondness of the language (I find it a comforting language just like everyone else). So we are listening to a phrase a day podcast and learning bits and pieces. Today we learned danke and bitte.


1 comment:

J-Funk said...

According to my new favorite blog, Stuff White People Like, Multilingual Children are a definite plus for white people. Advanced white people try to marry a bilingual person so that they can introduce a foreign language to their child without having to pay high tuition rates for it.

I am not an advanced white person so I don't know any other languages and can't even figure out how to put a link in my comment. The link for the multilingual post is at