Sunday, March 02, 2008


A couple weeks ago (you'll notice it takes me awhile to write these) Johann brought me the They Might Be Giants album "Here Come the ABCs". As he handed it to me, he said "ABCD". I was pleased that he had recognized the CD cover.

Later though, when he found some other CDs he said "ABCD". This made us realize that he really meant CD.

When you say "Not 'ABCD', it's 'A CD'", you begin to understand why he thinks that's the correct word.

Now whenever we go to the game store or he sees DVDs or CDs, he says "ABCD".

It's really cute, so we don't press him to stop.


1 comment:

J-Funk said...

That's so cute!

You know, I just realized that you've never shared if you have any pets (your blog description). And while you're at it, what do you like? Orange-pops?