Thursday, July 19, 2007


The kids have been saying interesting things lately. For the past month (probably more), Frances has been asking "why?" to everything.

Get your shoes on.


Because we need to go to the gym.


To get in shape.



That is pretty normal for a three year old.

But now Johann has started asking why, too. I don't think he really knows what it means but I think that he likes that we keep talking to him as we explain things. It's just kinda strange to hear him ask "why" when he doesn't really do much other talking (other than "bite" for "can I have a bite of that", "mil" for milk and of course "No. No. No. No No." for "No. No. No. No. No.").

He really does seem to appreciate the answers though because unlike Frances, he will stop asking why once you have explained it. And he is adorable when he is asking.

Frances said something interesting today after I sneezed. I normally say "gesundheit" to a sneeze but Arial says "bless you". Today, Frances decided to combine the two with "Goodblessheit".


1 comment:

J-Funk said...

Word combinations are all fun and cute until your 3 yr old starts making swear words out of things and then yells them in public. Well maybe that's fun and cute too.