Friday, October 21, 2005

Tooth Brush

I'm not terribly into oral hygiene. I brush everyday to keep my breath fresh (I hope) and floss occasionally but I haven't been to a dentist in years. I say this because I am about to gush over a tooth brush and I don't want you to think that I am obsessed with my mouth.

My toothbrush was getting old and we had some coupons for some Oral B CrossAction Vitalizer tooth brushes. We got to the store and looked at them and they looked freaky. They have different types of bristles and weird rubber tendrils. I was skeptical but we had a coupon and you can't argue with a coupon.

When I tried it though, I was immediately won over. The crazy looking tooth brush works really well. Each stoke feels like it's doing the work of five. The experience was sort of how I imagine an automatic car wash would feel in your mouth (but without the yucky water).

My teeth still feel clean even 12 hours after I last brushed. And I'm looking forward to brushing again tonight.

That's a powerful tooth brush.


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