Friday, October 21, 2005

Frances is Growing Up

It's been a while since I've posted about Frances (or anything if you don't count the tooth brush post that I just did). I thought I would catch up on some of the stuff that Frances has been doing.

She has sort of said her first word. When you give her a ball, she can say "ball" (or "baw" if you want to get technical). I don't know if that really is her first word because a few weeks ago she may have said (and meant) "mama".

I had gotten up with her early on Saturday morning. Frances had her breakfast and was playing. I left the TV off so she could play in peace. She gave me the remote at one point. A little bit later, she started touching the TV screen. Then, she just turned and said "mamamamamamama" as she ran to the stairs (the stairs that led to where Arial was.

I later found out that she was trying to tell me that she wanted to watch cartoons. I was just missing the signs.


On a related note, we play this game (well, it's sort of a game) where we run back in forth in the living room (as much as you can actually run in a living room). She loves seeing us run and she runs too. When I'm running, I always say "Run run run". I don't know why. I think it comes from playing with the cats. But now when she wants to play that, she runs (well she mostly walks quickly) and says what sort of sounds like "Run run run" (but is probably actually "Ra ra ra". It is super cute.


Frances can now stack blocks on her own. She can stack those peek-a-blocks somewhere around 5 or 6 tall. She has these other plastic things that are sorta like Lego's but with much looser couplings and she can stack those around 8 pieces tall.


She loves to dance. In "Clap Clap Bow", she can do the bowing and the turn yourself around. She will also make the spout in "I'm a little tea cup".

But most of all, Frances likes the theme song to Buffy, the Vampire Slayer. We have been watching the series on DVD a lot lately and when the theme song comes on (both opening and closing credits), she runs to the middle of the room and dances (kind of runs in place and claps). She gets really excited. It is really cool to see.

Well, that's all I have for now.



J-Funk said...

YAY! The blog is revived! I'm SO EXCITED! And glad to see your daughter has good taste in DVD's. My husband has the same reaction to the buffy theme song. We're about to watch some more right now so I'll get to see it actually.

Gail said...

Yea! Blocks are fun to play with, also good for coordination!

Gail said...

Yo G,

What kind of software or networking device do you need to network to someone else's computer such that you can see what they see on their screen. I don't think it's called Ghost, but maybe?.. The IT people use this - you just need to know the IP address of the computer, and possibly that computer be connected to the internet. Have you heard of this technology and/or know what it's called?
