Sunday, March 05, 2006

Big Girl Bed

Last Monday, Frances was having trouble going to sleep in her crib. She normally goes to sleep after about 5 minutes of crying. That night, after about a half an hour of crying, I went to check on her.

I picked her up to calm her down but she kept crying. I decided to sing Itsy Bitsy Spider with her (which she normally likes a lot). So that I could do the hand motions, I sat down on the full sized bed that we have in her room.

Just a couple lines into the song, she wiggled out of my arms and crawled to the top of the bed. I asked Frances if she wanted to be tucked in and lifted up the sheets. She crawled down into normal bed sleeping position and I covered her up. She looked very content and started going to sleep so I left her there.

I was pretty sure that she would wake up in the middle of the night and come to our bed (or make a mess somewhere). But in the morning, she was still in there. (She did cry a couple times in the night but all we had to do was go in there and she would go back to sleep.)

So now Frances sleeps in a big girl bed at night (naps are a different story which ends with her getting out of bed until we put her in her crib). We got a bed rail to minimize the possibility that she will accidentally fall out.

She has been going to bed without any crying and sleeping the whole night the last couple days (with no small bursts of crying). I think she is getting used to sleeping with covers. She has also started getting up on her own in the morning which we aren't really thrilled about but she hasn't done anything bad (yet).

I think everyone is happy with the big girl bed.


1 comment:

J-Funk said...

that's really weird.

I thought kids usually just outgrew their cribs.

When one of my brothers was a tot, he would crawl out of his crib a lot. My parents were worried he was going to hurt himself, so they tied a baby gate to the top of the crib which turned it into a sort of a cage. It was safer that way but looked really incriminating.