Saturday, January 28, 2006


I was going through some old stuff (Arial wants me to get rid of some of it) and I came across an old camera of mine. My parents got it for me in high school. It wasn't top of the line but it took decent pictures. At the time, I thought it was sort of sleek. But now, it seems huge. It has about double the volume of my current digital camera (which isn't very small itself). I was amazed.

There is still film inside. I'm going to try to get the pictures developed and see if anything survived.

We have a fireplace with a stone hearth in our living room. The hearth is about 2 inches high. Today, Frances had some fun with it.

She took the old keyboard that we let her play with and set it so half was on the hearth and half was off (orientation: the number pad was off and the caps lock was on the hearth). She proceeded to "surf" on the keyboard and tried to keep it balanced. It was interesting to watch.

Later in the evening, she took to jumping off the hearth. She was doing it in the same way that I used to jump down stairs. Since she's so little, the hearth is kinda like a small step. She seemed to find it great fun.


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