Thursday, December 15, 2005

YMCA Showers

So I've been training for a triathlon lately. And that means that I've been working out at the local YMCA.

It isn't a very large Y but it's suitable for my purposes. However, there are two things that are really starting to bother me. One is that there is a very cold stair well between the locker room and the pool. The door to the outside is right next to the men's locker room door. It is winter and I walk in that stairwell wet. Not very comfortable.

The other thing is the shower. Well, not so much the shower itself but the smell of the shower. And not even the normal smell of the shower, I mean the smell that only arises when you turn the hot water on and the warmth awakens the scents trapped on the floor.

Most often, it smells like various body scents. Which can be a little disturbing, depending on what you think you're smelling. But Tuesday, it was surprisingly worse. It smelled like a sickeningly sweet strawberry sucker.

Now you might not think that would be that bad but the smell was so strong. It made me want a glass of milk to pour down my nose. It was like I had a mouthful of hard candy and I couldn't wash it down.

Why would a shower smell like that? I guess I should just be glad that whoever dropped their candy in the shower didn't pick it back up and eat it.


ps Thanks for reading my gripes.

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