Saturday, October 01, 2005

Family Stuff

Two hours before her bedtime tonight, Frances was quite crabby. Two hours is a long time in tired toddler minutes. To keep her mildly amused (and therefor happy), we decided to take a walk.

I lugged the large stroller outside but then when it was time to put her in it... well... she just seemed like she would be happier walking. We pushed the stroller for when she got tired but we let her walk. (It only seemed right to let her walk on our walk).

And walk she did. She fell down a couple times but managed pretty well over the occasionally rough terrain of the our side walks. For a while we let her walk on her own. She moved at a surprising speed (almost jogging for her) and pretty much stayed on the side walk. We kept her from venturing near the street by pushing the stroller between her and it

We walked around our block (our block is quite large) and Frances nearly walked it all. (We didn't let her walk on the portion with the busy street.) I was really impressed.

BTW, the nice thing about Arial being pregnant is that we get to have ice cream everyday. I gained ~25 pounds when during the first pregnancy, I'm hoping that I don't repeat that performance.


1 comment:

J-Funk said...

Our Dairy Queen is at least a mile away from our apt, depending on which way you walk. So to keep from gaining 25 pounds from eating ice cream (I, too, eat a lot of ice cream) we walk there, sometimes taking the longest route possible. That completely dissolves any guilt I might feel and makes the ice cream all the more pleasurable.

Ice Cream!