Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Good TV

The other day, the kids and I were watching some kids program that we had recorded on the DVR. For the most part they were playing and I was watching. That happens sometimes.

When it finished, I just left it on the channel that the TV was on, which happened to be the Food network and went to talk to Arial in the kitchen.

I came back after a couple minutes and both Frances and Johann were sitting on the couch just watching TV. It's pretty unusual for them both to eschew playing at the same time to watch something. That peeked my curiosity so I went in to see what they were watching (plus they looked pretty cute sitting next to each other on the couch).

It was Good Eats. They were captivated by Good Eats. It's a good show and all but I didn't think that it would attract 1 and 3 year-olds.

I found that amusing.

1 comment:

J-Funk said...

The Studly Hubby (and his parents) are also totally captivated by the Food Network. I'll have to ask if they watch that show. I'm starting to wonder if Food Network uses some form of Dark Magic to get so many viewers, because this all seems kinda weird to me. Although maybe deep down it's just all about the food.