Friday, September 16, 2005


Today, we saw the heartbeat of the newest member of our family whose pre-release name is Limon. After release, Limon's name will change... to a different pseudonym.

I guess Frances will no longer be the sole focus of this blog.


Friday, September 09, 2005

No Longer Reading Atrios

I haven't felt like blogging in a while. I don't know why. Lately, I just haven't felt like writing.

But I have to finally write this post because I've stopped reading Eschaton. Atrios has grown increasingly rabid (which is the trait that drove me from daily Kos) but he finally went over the line for me by basically saying it was justice that Michelle Malkin be called racial slurs. In my book that makes him an apologist for racism.

Here's a little background, Michelle Malkin wrote a book called "In Defense of Internment". In the book, she supports the decision to intern the Japanese Americans during WWII using the information that they had at the time. If it makes any difference to you, she is Philippino (I think), so her arguments are not as easily dismissed using the race card.

I haven't read the book, mostly because I don't have any interest in the subject. So I'm not going to debate the book.

Because of this book though, the left hates her. There was a spat in August where the left was really riled about her discussion on Cindy Sheehan. In one of many posts (link) attacking Ms. Malkin, Atrios finally killed my interest in reading his... um... work.
[Michelle Malkin who wrote ] a highly misleading and historically innacurate (sic) tract which defends the mass arrest and internment of American citizens based on nothing more than who their ancestors were has pretty much given up any right to complain about such comments.
Emphasis his.

So what he is saying is that someone who holds an opinion different than his, on something he feels strongly about, should just suck it up when facing racism. It's what she deserves right?

Of course he starts his post with " I certainly don't approve of racist comments of any kind, and people who make them should be ashamed of themselves, but" which he feels absolves him of his later remarks.

It just reminds me of the They Might be Giants lyric "Can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding".

So Atrios no longer.
